Watch the entire prize event, featuring the research by Professor Paul Anastas on green chemistry. (59 min 21 sec)

Watch parts of the Award event

Award Ceremony 2021. (10 min 15 sec)
Panel discussion: Green chemistry, climate change and the goal of net-zero emissions. (12 min 32 sec)
Laureates that first received the Volvo Environment Prize and then later the Nobel Prize. (2 min 6 sec)
Watch the video “The Green Chemistry Revolution”. (10 min 30 sec)


The role of business in the transition to sustainability
Martin Lundstedt talks to Niklas Gustafsson about why the Volvo Group has supported sustainability research for more than 30 years.

Première of the film about Paul Anastas’ research

Why green chemistry is essential to public health
Sten Vermund, Dean of Yale School of Public Health

The role of innovative thinking for sustainability
Urvi Talaty, Yale Center for Business and the Environment

Rewarding pathbreaking science
On the researchers that were first awarded the Volvo Environment Prize and later the Nobel Prize.

Jury citation
Professor Will Steffen, Chairman of the Prize Jury

Award ceremony
“A work that has changed a discipline and prevented millions of tons of hazardous waste”
Message from Peter Salovey, President Yale University.

Green chemistry, climate change and the goal of net-zero emissions
New materials, green chemistry, and innovative ways to store and produce energy can help in the transition to net-zero emissions. Award seminar discussions with Fernando Gomez, World Economic Forum, Indy Burke, Dean Yale School of the Environment, Anja-Verena Mudring, Professor in Physical Materials Chemistry, and Paul Anastas, the 2021 laureate.

Musical entertainment
Kristina Issa, Gothenburg Opera


Paul Anastas
Professor, Yale University, 2021 laureate Volvo Environment Prize

Will Steffen
Chairman of the Prize Jury, Volvo Environment Prize Foundation

Sten Vermund
Dean Yale School of Public Health

Martin Lundstedt
President & CEO of the Volvo Group and Chairman of the Volvo Environment Prize Foundation

Urvi Talaty 
Yale Center for Business and the Environment

Niklas Gustafsson
Secretary Volvo Environment Prize Foundation

Fernando Gomez
World Economic Forum

Indy Burke
Dean Yale School of the Environment 

Anja-Verena Mudring
Professor in Physical Materials Chemistry 

Kristina Issa
Entertainment, Gothenburg Opera

collage of 10 persons First row from left: Paul Anastas, Will Steffen, Sten Vermund, Martin Lundstedt, Urvi Talaty.
Second row from left: Niklas Gustafsson, Fernando Gomez, Indy Burke, Anja-Verena Mudring, Kristina Issa.